Use "ossify|ossified|ossifies|ossifying" in a sentence

1. Finally, the plum dies, ossified.

2. The bureaucracy has become ossified.

3. What is the difference between ossify and Calcify?

4. Otherwise, they will become ossified.

5. Beliefs have ossified into rigid

6. Seminated snotty-nosed costmary half-concealed Architraval de-ossify Kuangchou

7. Conclusion: The Osseous labyrinth is ossified by endochondral Ossification.

8. We should break the bondage of ossified thinking.

9. No Batrachian is known to possess an ossified azygous supraoccipital

10. And when that happens, Saturn's presence can ossify into stubborn, haughty resistance.

11. Well-ossified Becrinolined deep-breathing shake-hands nondebater Hance E-boat

12. Ossified societies guard positional goods more , not less, jealously.

13. How can anybody be so ossified on four beers?

14. But as time went on, the Soviet pattern became ossified.

15. — turkey: bird in which the tip of the sternum is rigid (ossified);

16. So his the waist back of the body is ossified.

17. MATERIALS AND METHODS: 17 patients with ossified Cochleas who received CI were enrolled

18. guinea fowl: bird in which the tip of the sternum is rigid (ossified).

19. This disease will make her tendons ossify and her body paralyzed into a statue.

20. Caused the thesis teaching to fall into the ossified patternizing track.

21. Fowls of the species Gallus domesticus, with completely ossified sternum tips, femurs and tibias:

22. — (young) turkey: bird in which the tip of the sternum is flexible (not ossified),

23. The Anuran urostyle, however, is structurally and developmentally distinct because of the contribution of an ossifying hypochord

24. Begin with and ossify over time, beginning from the hoof and working up the leg.

25. Combined with a poorly ossified jaw, they very probably did not suckle.

26. Fossil Agnatha (Ostracodermi) had a well-developed external and partially ossified internal skeleton

27. In Labyrinthodontia the centra of the vertebrae are generally well ossified Biconcave …

28. In many hadrosaur and theropod dinosaurs, the caudal vertebrae were reinforced by ossified tendons.

29. — guinea fowl: bird in which the tip of the sternum is rigid (ossified).

30. Synonyms for Calcify include fossilise, fossilize, harden, petrify, set, solidify, turn into stone, ossify, fossilate and fossilify

31. When heritage and its interpretation is allowed to ossify the past and the present begin to disconnect.

32. – – – – – Fowls of the species Gallus domesticus, with completely ossified sternum tips, femurs and tibias

33. — chicken, broiler: fowl in which the tip of the sternum is flexible (not ossified),

34. – – – – – – Of fowls of species Gallus domesticus with completely ossified sternum tips, femurs and tibias

35. Of fowls of the species Gallus domesticus with completely ossified sternum tips, femurs and tibias

36. The ishial Apophyses starts to ossify between the ages of 14 and 16 years and fully fuses by age 18

37. – – – – – – – Of fowls of the species Gallus domesticus with completely ossified sternum tips, femurs and tibias

38. — (young) guinea fowl: bird in which the tip of the sternum is flexible (not ossified),

39. Ossified, nitrating, or preyed - dermatoid in accordance with nondiverging ramipril medicine heart failure 2mg prescription State Arglebargled

40. Meanings for Canaliculi It is a small canal or passageway between the lacunae of ossified bone.

41. (young) goose or gosling: bird in which the tip of the sternum is flexible (not ossified).

42. However, the elemental content of ossified auricular cartilage is similar to that of normal bone specimens.

43. Raymond: That it is possible for open source cultures in some respects to ossify enough that good work is locked out.

44. young) goose or gosling: bird in which the tip of the sternum is flexible (not ossified

45. All past oligarchies have fallen from power either because they ossified or because they grew soft.

46. Sphenoid bone is mainly ossified from pre- and post-sphenoid centers with some contribution from Alisphenoid and orbitosphenoid centers

47. Before the ring Apophyses ossify there is a small radiolucent defect at anterior endplates, that can at times form a prominent irregular notch

48. Speech recognition results of patients with ossified Cochleas are essentially equal to those of patients with open Cochleas

49. Takes an exam the student thinking mode which the education creates to ossify, student heavy knowledge grasping, light thinking mode training.

50. cock, hen, casserole or boiling fowl: fowl in which the tip of the sternum is rigid (ossified

51. Anneal - HARDEN - OSSIFY - TEMPER 7 letter words CALLOUS - PETRIFY - TOUGHEN 8 letter words INDURATE 9 letter words FOSSILIZE 10 letter words STRENGTHEN

52. (Ossifying Fibroma, NCI Thesaurus) A mucinous cystic tumor of the ovary characterized by the presence of one or more well Circumscribed solid nodules in the wall of

53. Diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis is an ossifying diathesis leading to bone formation in spinal and extraspinal sites, paravertebral osteophyte formation and ligamentous calcification and ossification.

54. At birth, the kneecap is just formed from cartilage, and this will ossify (change to bone) between the ages of three and five years.

55. But the risk that the recent homeward flow of bank assets will ossify into a less efficient, less flexible cross-border banking system is real and growing.

56. Other features found in choristoderes include heavily ossified gastralia and modified distal limbs, not just the manus and pes(, used as paddles.

57. Demineralized bone powder mixed with bone-marrow aspirate was introduced into the cyst to halt the expansion phase and to allow the cyst to ossify.

58. In addition, she said,( "what this has tended to do is ossify terms and conditions when we need more flexibility about how we do things".

59. All fixed, fast-frozen relations, with their train of ancient and venerable prejudices and opinions, are swept away, all new-formed ones become antiquated before they can ossify .

60. Laevis (Kim & Han, 1989) ossified in the order of clavicle, scapula, and Actinost when the average TL was 6.30 mm on 13 DAH, T

61. Since a long time ago, there have been different viewpoints on the relationship between efficiency and equity[], But they all keep the relationship between efficiency and equity ossified.

62. Obscurus (Hwang et al., 2018) ossified in the order of clavicle, Actinost, coracoid, and scapula on 13 DAH, as it showed a slight difference according to the order of ossification, but it was a relatively similar

63. ‘The iliac Apophysis ossifies in a predictable fashion from anterolateral to posteromedial along the iliac crest.’ ‘The history and clinical picture of avulsion of the ischial Apophysis closely mimics that of a hamstring injury.’ ‘These structures, along with the columella and Apophysis are present in …

64. Random information on the term “Breastbones”: The xiphoid process /ˈzaɪfɔɪd/, or xiphisternum or metasternum, is a small cartilaginous process (extension) of the lower (inferior) part of the sternum, which is usually ossified in the adult human.

65. The genus Pelion has also been referred to this group on purely nega- tive evidence.4 The genus is excluded from the Branchiosauria by the well-ossified condition of the limb bones, in which the endochon-

66. By the time you were just seven weeks old and only about an inch [2.5 cm] long, early forms of all 206 of your adult bones were in place, although they had not yet ossified, or turned into hard bone.

67. The fusion that Ankyloses the joints progresses vertically up the spine.[1,2,4,5,7] Initially, the apophyseal joints of the superior and inferior articular surfaces of the lumbar vertebrae are spared due to their constant motion.[2] But as the osteoblastosis progressively infiltrates the annulus fibrosis of each veretebral disk and ossifies it, as well as the surrounding soft-tissue